Not only is this a really important role for the school and PSA, it is also a great opportunity to become more involved in the school community, get to know other parents/carers across the school, and interact with the class teachers. All of the support you offer the PSA and school is greatly appreciated, thank you!
There are normally two reps per class and reps are only expected to take the role on for one year. Here is a guide of the main tasks to help you.
- Compile a complete list of contact details for the class, please see the communication section below.
- Be the main contact in the class for the teacher. Please let your teacher know you are the rep. If the teacher needs volunteers for a trip or items brought in, then they may enlist your help with getting the information out to the class and encouraging participation.
- Organising a social event at least once a term for parents/carers. This can be a morning coffee or a night in the pub. It might be good to do a mix of both throughout the year to encourage all parents/carers to be involved.
- At least one rep from the class should attend the PSA meetings to ensure their class is up to date on events and school news. School funding requests are discussed at the meeting, so you’ll also have the chance to decide how the money raised is spent.
- Encouraging parents/carers to get involved with PSA activities and events. Everyone has something they can contribute to the school, from volunteering at events, donating goods for sale/raffle, baking cakes or simply donating money. During the year there will be a number of events and as a rep you may be asked to coordinate volunteers for stands/activities at key events (festive and summer fair), help organise one of the smaller events (disco, car boot, cake sale) or just encourage your class to buy tickets and get involved.
- At the end of the year it would be great if you could ‘recruit’ the reps for next year and pass on the baton (contact list)!
We ask that the reps use an inclusive form of communication for the class, for example email, a What’s App group, ClassList (a communication website and app designed specifically for this purpose and ensures GDPR compliance), letters in book bags or posters outside the classroom. It is important that everyone feels included and updated on PSA activities and news.
If you are taking on the role as a rep for nursery, reception or year 4 & 5 classes you will need to gather a new contact list. Unfortunately the school will not provide us with a contact list for parents/carers and so you will need to gather this information. We appreciate this can be hard, but please do try to get the details for the whole class. You can ask the class teacher to put a note in any of the book bags of children whose parents/carers you haven’t managed to introduce yourself to.
If you are inheriting a list from the previous rep, when you take on the role please send a message explaining that you are the new rep and that the list will only be used by yourself and other contacts in your class to communicate about school related information. If anyone would like to be removed from the list, you will need to remove them. Please make sure new children to the class are added and those who have left the school are removed.
If you have any questions please do contact